Quote: Writers and Poets live two different lives. One in reality and the other in absolute distraction - shobana
My new book, Raised by God is a book in diverse proportions. Not only do you get to read a part-memoir, but you will enjoy another story altogether in altruism titled, The Healing Riverbeds.
There is a season for everything,
A time to be born, a time to die, a time to live, and a time to cease living,
A time to fall in love, and a time to fall out of love,
Not for everyone is love meant to be,
The way it is meant to touch a soul,
Though, in all of life's wonders, it is love that magnifies the world, and makes it conducive to live in,
Love your neighbours as you would want to be loved.
Thank you for reading. I hope it touches you the way it is meant to.